
ClipFitter Website for an explanation of the ClipFitter system

Precision compound-lever plier for fitting Lamb Clips. Generates necessary closing force to produce the effect of anaesthesia. Please take note of lamb weight recommendations when you choose your clips and fitter. Please remember that the MidiFitter can fit Midi and Mini clips with care, and MaxiFitter can fit all three although it might be a large instrument to use on small lambs ! One day the Maxi might be the only Fitter you need for lambs older than 7 -10 days, and the Double handled version would then be the most ergonomic style because you are holding it at it's centre of gravity, so it feels lighter.

Product information

ClipFitter is designed to fit specific clips although larger sizes can fit smaller clips too with care.The Double Decker style, supplied available for Midi and Maxi Lamb Clips, has raised handles (to lift hands above obstacles) and by nature wants to close the jaws - so when you open the jaws with the front horned-handles to attached the clip and then release your grip, the jaws will hold the tail or scrotum for you gently, while you check positioning and without running the risk of losing your grip on the 'target'.  The Single Decker, supplied in all sizes, is a familiar plier design and relies on your dexterity to keep a grip and would need a reasonably wide hand stretch.