Rings On Rods (100)
David Sullivan well known Shepherd and Story teller, won Farmer category innovation prize at NSA's Sheep 2022 event. We won the Trade version !
His 'kebab' conveniently delivers rings to a single handed shepherd provided they have pre-loaded the 'skewers'.
Our version of David's original idea is a plastic rod with ball end, and to load the rings you simply prod the rod down onto each ring poured onto a flat surface, and it will pick them up, one after another !
Ring kebabs hold exactly 20 rings and they are moulded in pink and blue so that you can keep count of male and female lambs processed on the day. 2x pink and 4x blue per pack (more for the boys, for obvious reasons)
Ring kebabs hang from a your jacket or belt or our lamb cradle if you have one. Rings not included - buy rings from your usual supplier.
Product information
David Sullivan well known Shepherd and Story teller, won Farmer category innovation prize at NSA's Sheep 2022 event. We won the Trade version !
His 'kebab' conveniently delivers rings to a single handed shepherd provided they have pre-loaded the 'skewers'.
Our version of David's original idea is a plastic rod with ball end, and to load the rings you simply prod the rod down onto each ring and it 'magically' picks them up !
You can fit exactly 20 rings per rod and the cost is for 100 rings on rods
Ring Kebabs can hang from a your jacket or belt or from our Lamb Cradle